Tune into the wisdom of your soul.

Let’s connect

Invest in your relationship with yourself

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Allow me to be your guide and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.


Harness the power of your intuition

Together we will hold space for your soul’s wisdom to be revealed, (re)building your intuitive muscle so that, in time, you are able to tap into its powerful guidance or more readily trust it on your own.

I felt such sensitivity, connection to my true self and love wash over me. My heart was open and I felt I had been given something my soul really needed.

— Marlene Rhine, Filmmaker

Krista is a master healer. This [work] is going to expand your perspective and deepen your ability to love.

— Ria Ray, Spiritual Teacher & Artist

I felt this incredible energy pouring down over me and releasing out of my body in a way I have only felt once before - when doing a ritual cleansing ceremony with a Hawaiian Shaman after the loss of my father. It was an onrush of release and relief that I have only felt those two times in my life.

— Lila B, Content Creator

Today was better than any therapy session I’ve had in years. Krista is truly on her destined path.

— Sabrina V, Mother