Clarity comes from within...

I’m here to help you drop into alignment and activate it. 

I had my first experience with energy work and vibrational medicine when I was three days old. Yes, you read that correctly. I had jaundice, I was colicky, and I wouldn’t sleep or stop crying. I like to think the universe helped me hit the reset button right out the gate by sending me to the nearest healer in my hometown.

Three years after that initial visit, I had my first near-death experience. I say first because many more would follow. My family and I were hit head-on by a drunk driver while visiting friends in Vancouver. When the medics arrived on the scene, they were shocked to see that we were even alive given the accident report they’d received en route. Not only were we alive, but we were alert and moving around with ease. I remember gazing up at the stars in the night sky with this deep inner knowing that something way bigger and more powerful than us had intervened.

It’s no wonder that I became fascinated with mysticism soon after. I started reading novels at the age of six and would find myself naturally drawn to books on past life regression, dream interpretation, and astrology. The books were simple at that time, but grew in complexity over the years. I continued visiting various healers, alternative practitioners, and energy workers regularly throughout my childhood and teenage years, picking up books on the Akashic records, spirituality, and wellness practices. I explored everything from reflexology to quantum field clearing, osteopathy to breathwork, acupuncture to reiki and beyond. I spent hours feeling out which book or practice or blend of herbs would most benefit me while meandering through alternative book stores and health food shops. As an only child and ultra empath, I spent countless hours in self-reflexive solitude. I was fascinated with exploring what existed beyond what the human eye could detect.

I also experienced interactions with the mystical realms from a very young age. The stories I could share are plentiful, but perhaps one of the most interesting was when I would repeatedly see a young girl sitting in my childhood bedroom. I was never startled by the presence of spirits, but rather remained grounded, gentle, curious. I’d ask them how I could help them, and they’d often give me messages to pass along to people on “this side”.

One day, our neighbor up the block confided, without prompting, that he was concerned about his son who claimed to have seen a ghost in his bedroom. When I described the young girl I’d often seen in my own room, our neighbor insisted that I speak to his son to compare stories. We both described the same features, the same dress… and so, guided by my intuition, we took to the internet and searched for any news about the untimely death of a child in our neighborhood. Of course, we found several articles about a young girl drowning in a creek that would have run directly under our houses before our community had been built.

As I shifted out of my teens and into my 20s, I experienced five more near-fatal accidents including ending up in an underground shelter in Mexico during a category 5 hurricane. I was handed an official refugee status card, told that the building we were sheltering in was located directly within the eye of the storm, and a few days post-storm, was evacuated by Mexican military - from a completely demolished airport, to any other city within Mexico that could accommodate the arrival of international tourists. It was, “you’re on your own from there-on-out” after that.

And so I deepened my existing yoga practice and turned to meditation as well. I’d been a synchronized swimmer for many years and visualization was part of our “competition strategy”, so neither practice was a huge leap for me, but what both did offer me was an integration of physical body-mind activities with the spiritual path.

I explored every style of both yoga and meditation, along with numerous mindfulness practices. Kundalini. Ashtanga. Metta. Tai Chi. Yoga Nidra. Yin. Bikram. And on and on.

I concurrently completed a Masters in Visual Anthropology with a focus on healing practices and yoga, while becoming certified as a holistic and sports nutritionist. I went deep into the spiritual and psychological factors that drive what we eat, how we move, and why. I studied and experimented with every metaphysical modality I felt drawn to, all the while maintaining regular daily contact with my guides. I struggled with anxiety, self-punishing behaviors, discomfort with who I was. I kept seeking.

I saw a shamaness. I did karmic extractions. I strengthened my natural ability to channel, see, intuit, and perceive of things beyond our physical reality. I kept healing. And eventually, I recognized my natural inclination to both psychically and emotionally absorb the pain of others and transmute it into pure light.

I’ve since used my deep connection to these “other worldly” realms daily for gaining both clarity on the bigger esoteric questions that come up, and help with decidedly more ordinary tasks like finding a store in a foreign city that has the exact brand of chocolate I’m craving… or, you know, finding parking in LA.

By integrating vibrational healing, quantum activations, light weaving, and empowered intuitive guidance, I’ve been effectively honing my ability to to transmute energy throughout my entire life.

I bring humor and deep compassion to the healing process, relying on truth, conscious expansion, and my natural ability to hold space to guide people back to their true essence. Together, we shift out of discomfort and uncertainty into clarity, inner peace, and joy. There is nothing I love more than supporting the full integration of body, mind, heart, and soul to give people the space to create the life of their dreams. I’ve literally been witnessing and creating miracles since day one. I am so excited to help you clear anything that’s in the way of the Universe serving you your very own miracles, day after day!


Krista is a both natural born and trained clairsentient, intuitive healer, + award-winning multi-disciplinary artist who has been an active yoga, meditation, and breathwork practitioner for over 15 years. She holds an MA in Visual Anthropology with a focus on the anthropology of modern healing practices, a BFA in Image Arts, and is a certified (non-practicing) holistic nutritionist. Krista has studied extensively under renown industry professionals including Dr. Pedram Shojai, Rose Cole, Dr. Daniel Kalish, and Ria Ray.

Her work has been featured in numerous international publications and on radio/television programs including The Toronto Star, Yoga Digest, Sirius XM Radio, CTV News, and Yahoo! News. She has worked and exhibited her creations worldwide, from New York City to Cannes to Seoul, Bogota, Montreal, and beyond. Krista’s public soul-led workshops have been hosted at studios in both New York City and Los Angeles.

She continues to practice and create with deep humility, gratitude, and a sense of absolute wonder for all this world has to offer - dark and light.

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