Intuition is the language of the soul.


The breath is a portal. Let’s dive in.


As a healer and coach I use my own finely attuned intuition, along with my ability to read your unique energy signature and bring forth the guidance you can’t quite attune to from your Higher Self, to get clear on your unique path, unblock any limiting subconscious beliefs that may be preventing you from living your purpose, and tune into more unconditional love and support than you could possibly ever imagine.

Together, we’ll uncover and remove the energetic blocks that are preventing you from being your happiest, most authentic self. We’ll dive - gently and compassionately - deep into the heart-soul work that will ultimately set you free.

A typical session involves me literally feeling out the energetic patterns and traumas you’re holding in your body.

One of my own unique gifts is the ability to intensely and acutely feel everything a person’s been through in their life as if I’ve experienced it myself. I hold this energetic information as deeply sacred and meet everyone right where they are with complete reverence and compassion.

If this ability has taught me anything, it’s that every single human being has been through some heavy stuff. Not one of us is alone in our experience. Ever.

Using grounding breathing techniques, collaborative intuitive work, and energetic clearing combined with my ability to hold energy and communicate with each person’s heart-soul scape, we’ll allow transformative insights and limitless possibility to guide us to the clearest path for you to realize your dreams.

To date, I have helped to support clients with PTSD, fibromyalgia, survivors of abuse, car accident injuries, aligning with their soul’s path and making career changes, clearing generational/ancestral trauma, body image/self-acceptance, anxiety, disordered/restrictive eating habits, childhood trauma, digestive issues, releasing recurring pain from old injuries, codependency, food intolerances/sensitivities, & releasing karmic blocks or recurring karmic patterns.

I work privately with individuals of all ages, with small groups, and with animals.

Sessions must be paid in full at time of booking. Sessions are non-refundable, however may be rescheduled as needed. A minimum 24 hours notice is required to reschedule. Thank you so much for being conscious and respectful of my time and energy!


Open your heart to possibility.