You deserve to feel good.

Heartfelt praise:

  • Krista is a master healer. This [work] is going to expand your perspective and deepen your ability to love.

    — Ria Ray, Spiritual Teacher & Artist

  • Krista’s intuition is like poetry and technique completely unique. Working with her feels like coming home.

    — Cristian, Breathwork Facilitator

  • I've taken many meditation classes and courses over the years, and I have to say, Krista's meditations are truly one of a kind. She heals and transforms in such a unique and powerful way. I've never experienced anything like it before. Krista's purpose in life is to heal. I feel so secure knowing that there is a healer in the world like Krista.

    — Connie Wang, Actress

  • Just received word from my doctor that my PCOS is gone! I’m symptom free and my body is finally in balance.

    — Laura, Business Coach

  • In the initial moments of our session, I felt this incredible energy pouring down over me and releasing out of my body in a way I have only felt once before - when doing a ritual cleansing ceremony with a Hawaiian Shaman after the loss of my father. It was an onrush of release and relief that I have only felt those two times in my life.

    — Lila B, Content Creator

  • I booked in with Krista for a few reasons, but the thing that really blew my mind was that I had been suffering from debilitating knee pain for 20 years. During our (distance) session, I told her that it felt like my knees were floating off my chair. They were so light. I couldn’t believe it. It’s been 2 months and I have not had any pain at all since working with Krista.

    — Tiffany H., Aesthetician

  • Today was better than any therapy session I’ve had in years. There is a lot I’m going to need to unpack from it. Krista has such magic and sparkle. I truly feel she is walking her destined path and I cannot wait to continue my journey with her!

    — Sabrina V, Mother of two and self-professed lover of all things glitter

  • Wow, just wow, that’s all I have to say! I just did a one-on-one session with Krista. She has such magical powers. I have never been more clearheaded in my life. She was able to directly pierce through my heart. I have never had an experience like this before.

    — Linda Suliman, Yoga Instructor, Ayurvedic Counselor, and Reiki & Body Code Practitioner

  • This work has offered me the reset I needed. It’s the perfect intersection of healing and guided meditation. I felt very open after each session... like I’d encountered and agreed to be my real and best self again. Looking forward to doing this again. Krista is truly gifted and I'm glad she is using her talents for good..

    — Bree, Filmmaker

  • I have studied several healing modalities and styles over a period of 20 years: naturopathic medicine, reiki, TCM, hypnosis, NLP, breathwork, kundalini, EFT, sound healing… and something deep inside me always told me that these things still work, but they’re mostly old technologies. They need upgrades. Krista’s technique is that upgrade. It’s like all of those modalities on crack. And I mean that in a really good way. It’s very gentle despite its power. The energy attached to that power is infused with so much love. I cannot recommend working with her enough.

    — Aviva Martinez, ND, LAc, Energetic Wellness Advocate

  • I was diagnosed with an incurable genetic chronic illness as a toddler. The best any doctor could do was to prescribe heavy duty meds to manage symptoms and outbreaks. I had never tried any sort of alternative therapy or energy work until a friend recommended Krista. We did eight sessions and it was like my pain disappeared completely. I was able to stop taking my meds and have been asymptomatic since (over four months). My doctor was very confused when he saw the change in me. Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have found Krista.

    — Carolyn, Copywriter

  • I didn't want to see any more practitioners. That's how I felt when I met Krista. More-so, I didn't want to go see anyone else for my physical pain. I was just like, I've been to so many different people and tried so many different things. I don't want to start one more thing that I could potentially not stop. But then that's also when I started to pick up on the fact that I was feeling better just from being around her. My neck and shoulder pain were dissipating. I had been getting lidocaine injections and after a few sessions, I was able to stop (with guidance from my doctor).

    — McKenzie A, Entrepreneur

  • My regular ongoing work with Krista has guided me through shifts that I had been trying to call in for over 10 years. Over a period of several months, my life has transformed and I have healed immensely. My vision of transitioning from being someone’s employee to being my own boss while holding space for and training others to harness the power of their own healing gifts have been realized thanks to Krista’s support and guidance. I feel as if I’ve finally come home to myself and am creating a life for ME.

    — Karol, Reiki Master

  • Today was beautiful, thank you so much. It was 6:00 pm our time (in the UK). I had just finished an intense HIIT workout and then jumped into your session a bit all over the place. I felt so calm and at ease and peaceful after. Thank you Krista - for holding space and being open and so giving. My favorite part was what you said at the end. Thank you. What an unbelievable invitation that is... mind blown… You’re a beautiful wise soul. Wishing you well for the rest of the day. I hope you are cared for in the same way.

    — Lena, Attorney

  • Oh my goodness. My experience was absolutely incredible. I am beyond grateful to have somebody hold space like that… and just to kind of let go and know that you won’t fall. Just being in this sense of community (in class)… it’s as if Krista was exhaling whatever was coming to her and releasing it from me. It was so cathartic. I don’t even know how to describe it. Let’s just say magic. And so much healing. Krista, you are absolutely incredible. Just beyond. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    — Alex Jade, Actress

  • Krista put me back on the right track, plain & simple. She allowed me to break down & break through - a scary thing, but exactly what I needed. Everything she said spoke to my heart, & made me feel safe & seen. Krista created a comfortable space for me to begin to examine the emotional blocks that were stopping me from moving forward. By starting that process with her, I have continued working on my whole self in ways that I never imagined I could or would. I was carrying this incredible, deep-rooted pain around with me that was affecting my health, but I just couldn't let it go. I realize the reason now. I needed to talk to someone who GOT ME and GOT IT. That was Krista. She really listened to me & held my hand though a healthy and necessary release! Krista truly understands that it takes courage to be vulnerable & open up about our stories. She is a master space-holder & giver of love.

    — Vanthi Singh, Yoga Instructor and Reiki Practitioner

  • I can’t express enough my infinite gratitude for Krista’s healing circle. She is truly an angel on Earth. From her compassionate energy to deep empathy, she helped me release blocked creative energy unbeknownst to me. Throughout the healing, Krista was giving the circle divine messages. One made me get chills: it’s time to put it out there. I do not jest — later that day I made a 2 minute short film! Less than two weeks after, I finally sent out my script to a producer, one that I’ve been working on for 3 years and was so afraid to share. Krista went beyond what she offered: she created a safe space for all womxn, POC, LBGTQIA — not to mention my dogs! (Yes, my dogs got the healing, too. She’s a miracle worker). I cannot thank her enough for her divine service, empowerment, and grace. Most of all, her unconditional and expansive love.

    — Jean Grant, Tarot Reader, Breathwork Facilitator, Storyteller

  • By the end of my first session with Krista, I felt as if I'd encountered the Messiah. Krista's powerful and potent loving container gives me hope for the future of humanity and the future of our planet. I have spent the majority of my 60 years in this lifetime exploring and studying healing and wellness. I can, with utmost certainty say, I have never experienced anything that has come close to what I experienced with Krista. I moved through lifetimes of work in 3 sessions. A miracle. Truly.

    — Kimberly, Music Therapist

  • I didn't know what to expect, but by the end of the session with Krista I was blown away. I felt such sensitivity, connection to my true self and love wash over me. My heart was open and I felt I had been given something my soul really needed. I can't wait for the next session.

    — Marlene Rhine, Filmmaker

  • Krista's group healing session was so worth my time. And [as a brand new mom] I spend it preciously now. I hope you all get to participate.

    — Tiffany C, Filmmaker and mom

  • This healing experience was so similar to my Ayahuasca journey but without consuming the medicine. I'm releasing and purging so much, and feel so free. Krista is a phenomenal healer.

    — Mikaela, Artist

Listen to the guidance of your heart & soul.

Please note that healing services are a complement to traditional medical/psychiatric treatments, and not a replacement. Healing services are meant to address the spiritual causes of suffering and help you achieve wholeness in conjunction with whatever medical treatments your doctor has prescribed. For serious medical conditions or emergencies, please consult your physician. Additionally, each session is unique. Results may vary.